Dots make the Difference.

Sarlin balance • Solutions for Energy Intensive Industries.
Save in Energy
Energy takes up a big part of costs in industrial production. In the pulp industry or in steel factories energy costs can be more than 30 % of the total expenses. Almost one third of energy consumption of industrial factors comes from leaks and unrecognizable variables of the technical process. Sarlin Balance helps plants find those dots in their process and optimize the energy consumption on a daily level. It is your time to save energy and a lot of resources.
Support the Earth
Sustainable future needs sustainable acts, but not always big investments to new energy sources. Optimization brings quick results and doesn’t need new industrial investments. With a few hundred thousand euro per year, using Sarlin Balance delivers huge savings in your production’s carbon footprint. At the same time, your factory delivers a more sustainable process and end products for the world.
Solutions for Energy Intensive Industries
We have dedicated ourselves to be a partner for energy intensive industries, such as pulp & paper, steel industries, as well as serving complex manufacturing industry. During the last decades we have delivered a long list of solutions for global players in several continents. In these references our customers reduced their total energy consumption on average 10% every year.