Case story > Shougang Jingtang, Tangshan, China
Because everything in life needs to be in balance.

Shougang Jingtang Steel achieved outstanding energy saving result with Sarlin Balance

Shougang Group is one of the biggest steel mill groups in China, it ranks 10th in the global scale. Shougang Jingtang United Iron & Steel Co ,. Ltd is a major production mill for Shougang Group in Caofeidian, Tangshan city, Hebei province. The factory has a production capacity of more than 10 Mtn per year.
Sarlin Oy Ab has more than 60 years of experience in compressed air and is a pioneer in the optimization of compressed air systems. Sarlin’s experience and patented technology was the double secured factor for Shougang Jingtang to choose Sarlin as a supplier.
Energy saving is an important mission at Shougang Jingtang
“Shougang Jingtang has been striving for cutting off energy consumption and green production for many years. As mentioned in the 13th and 14th Five-Year Plan, Chinese government has set clear goals for reducing energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions, we at Shougang Jingtang follow the government’s direction and make it as our own mission. ” says Mr. Zhao, Project Manager at Shougang Jingtang Energy Center.
This project was initiated by one of Sarlin’s distributors in China, Beijing Fa-tech Co., Ltd. Shougang Jingtang was impressed by Sarlin’s technology and successful cases presented by Fa-tech. With several existing Chinese customers in Steel industry, as well as rich experience in controlling turbo compressors, Shougang Jingtang was confident to go further with Sarlin.
There is none like Sarlin Balance Smart Management System in the market
“Our project includes 27 compressors in total, located in 5 compressor stations. All of the compressors are turbo compressors of different brands, with a control panel for easy management and reading compressor operation data. However, with the control system provided by the compressor manufacturer, we couldn’t receive much benefit. Moreover, we would like to not only manage all the compressors automatically but also other auxiliary equipment in the compressed air system, such as dryers, water pumps and cooling towers. This is very challenging as we haven’t found any company providing such wide scope on the market yet.
Sarlin Balance Smart Management System, which can control and monitor the operation of the plant’s entire compressed air system. Our workers at the Energy Center can easily get all the information of each equipment in the compressed air system and quickly give react if something goes wrong. The energy consumption of the plant’s compressed air system is 250,000 MWh per year. Compressed air is produced by efficient 3-stage turbo compressor with a compression capacity of 44 MW. Sarlin Balance Smart Management System improves the efficiency of the entire compressed air system and resulted 1.5 higher saving than targeted in the project feasibility study. In co-operation with Sarlin there is a plan to further improve performance of the whole compressed air system and aim to double the initial targeted energy saving.

Shougang Jingtang embrace benefits brought by Sarlin Balance
“High energy consumption and no means of controlling the entire compressed air system has burdened us for many years. Additionally, manual operation delays the process and increases possibilities for errors during production. With the help of Sarlin Balance, we were able to reduce pressure level for the all networks, thus, we successfully reduced energy consumption and improved energy efficiency at the same time.” Mr. Zhao happily listed some benefits of using Sarlin Balance.
“It is much easier for us to do our daily job nowadays. Everything is managed and monitored by Sarlin Balance. It not only saves manpower but also time and improves productivity!” Mr. Zhao added.
Sarlin sees great opportunities in China
“We have supplied many systems to the Chinese industry. So far Shougang Jingtang’s compressed air system is the largest, controlled by Sarlin Balance Smart Management. This project demonstrates the ability of Sarlin Balance to manage large-scale compressed air systems. We have unique experience with matching different compressor brands and models together to produce compressed air at the lowest possible cost. Shougang Jingtangg is a very significant reference in the Chinese market. “ says Sami Nyman, Technology Director of Sarlin.
Sarlin entered the China market about seven years ago. With the close cooperation with the local distributors, Sarlin has a dozen of customers who have been embracing the benefits of Sarlin Balance. Completion of Shougang Jingtang project adds one more great reference to support Sarlin’s future sales in China and elsewhere.